Sunday, September 14, 2008


Does this look as awful to you as it does to me?

I'm all for Christian-based movies, but Facing the Giants was a mess and one of the worst of 2006. Christian values in a movie don't make up for it being an utter bore. Facing the Giants had a good heart, but forgot to be a good movie, too.

What does everyone else think?


Teri928 said...

Yeah i've got to agree here...As a fellow follower of Christ, I'm all for seeing some well needed Christian values thrown into this chaotic world through cinema. I also agree with your opinion of Facing the Giants. FtG would have been slightly more enjoyable if the religious message was not so "In your Face". When I was watching FtG, I felt like I was in my church on Sunday morning, with my pastor aggressively preaching his sermon right up in everyone's face. Sadly, I think that Fireproof will turn out the exact same way. Again, I'm all for Christian values in movies, but when those values and themes seem to be forcing themselves upon you, they tend to LOSE their intended effect. This is simply my own opinion and angering someone from it is not my intention. But from your post Joel, you seem to think the samething... =)

Teri928 said...
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Joel said...

Yes, I am. Facing the Giants would have been good without all the sermonizing. Say they moralized instead. Then it might have something memorable.

Fireproof does look the same, except more. I do not plan to see it, but I do plan to see "Religulous." Interesting.

Teri928 said...

(sorry in advance for double-posting...Blogger needs an Edit button...)

The other thing about FtG that really kind of bothered me, was that the movie seemed to preaching the message, "If you have faith in God, EVERYTHING will work out just perfectly for you", when this is not the case AT ALL...Yes I believe God works miracles, I believe that faith can move mountains, I believe that Christ is the only way to eternal salvation. But, I DO NOT believe that simply being a Christian will make everything work out perfectly here on this Earth. The writers should really take a look at the book of "Job" in the Bible sometime...

Cypher said...

I dunno... It actually looks like it could be a fantastic movie... except it seems like the direction is utterly awful, so thereby, awful movie. Sadly enough...

Cypher said...

And who did was the person who commented up there?

Anonymous said...

I liked facing the giants but it's only good to see it once.