Monday, August 11, 2008

On viral marketing...

Tropic Thunder may not be the movie that virally markets the most (that would be The Dark Knight), but it's pretty awesome. To see what I mean click here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Oh, its Facebook page, which I recently joined.

Seriously, this viral marketing thing is pretty genius. TDK has about 40 viral sites, which I won't link here. Go on IMDB for that. But I love it.


Cypher said...


That is hysterical.

That is utterly hysterical.

And fairly stupid.

*Writes an essay on viral marketing for the heck of it* Will be up on the blog later.

Cypher said...

And did you, perchance, see the thing I wrote on the Jesus anime at the end of ?